Thursday, July 16, 2009

David Sedaris, Eye of the Albatross & Blink

I read The Time Traveler's Wife and I agree with k2, it's a good romantic book. Similar to The Curious Case of Benjamin Button if anyone has seen the movie (also recommended, btw).

Im not reading as much as I used to right now, Im trying to study for the LEED professional exam, but I read David Sedaris' latest book, When You are Engulfed in Flames. Funny, but not nearly as good as his other books. His stuff definitely became less funny the more popular he got. Naked will remain my favorite book by him.

Books I read a long time ago but never did a proper water polo review....

Eye of the Albatross by Carl Safina
I was reading this basically all summer, I think you all saw me with it at some point. Carl Safina is basically my sister's hero and she highly recommended the book, and for a conservationist book, it's very well written. it describes albatrosses in the pacific ocean and the routes they fly throughout the pacific. They can actually fly while sleeping and go hundreds of miles from any land every day. But Safina also describes the efforts of scientists and volunteers throughout islands in the pacific and gives a hopeful message that what we as a species have done to the marine environment can be reversed. It's refreshing to hear a positive message about humans' impact on the environment.

Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
Apparently I can't really get into fiction anymore. It just doesn't hold my interest. Blink is all about how we make snap judgements, what it means to have a gut reaction to something and how our unconscious beliefs we don't even know we have affect our decisions. It's pretty nuts. The one thing that sticks with me the most about it is the description of a test where a person's face flashes on the screen and in a split second you have to hit a button 'good' or 'bad'. Black and white people both in that split second say the black faces are 'bad' the majority of the time. This one guy did the test online every day just to see if he could change it at all, but he couldnt, until one day when his black/white/good/bad was basically even and it was because he had been watching track and field in the olympics all day aka an extremely positive view of black people. I think the kids growing up right now may have vastly different results with this test after 4 (or 8?) years of Obama. Should be interesting....

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